2019 Ryan Lutz Trophy and Memorabilia Charity Auction!
**Auction Complete** Thank you so much to all those who participated in my Charity Auction. In all another $1,639 was raised for...
2019 Ryan Lutz Trophy and Memorabilia Charity Auction!
2018 Ryan Lutz Trophy and Memorbilia Charity Auction!
2018 Wicked Weekend and Cystic Fibrosis Donation Presentation!
2018 MDA Tri-State Offroad Championship
2017 Ryan Lutz Trophy and Memorabilia Charity Auction (FINISHED)
LutzRC Pro Build #001 for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation winner + story!
2016 End of year charity auction
2015 End of year Charity Auction
2014 End of Year Charity Auction
2013 End of Year Charity Auction